Bridal Bouquets

Bridal Bouquets

We take our bridal bouquets and your bridesmaids' bouquets very seriously because, on your big day, flowers should be the least of your worries and your perfect accessory. All our bridal bouquets and bridesmaids' bouquets are pre-conditioned with their individual clear glass vases. The water in the vase is pre-conditioned as well so you can pop it back into the vase when you're not holding the bouquet.

In some instances, holding your bouquet can be awkward especially when you're eating, so this is where the clear glass vase comes in place - 1. a place for your bouquet, 2. to keep your beautiful blooms hydrated, and 3. as an added decor to your table arrangement. 

What happens after the wedding or the shoot? Well, change the water in the vase and you're good to go! We got you. ;)

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